Are you planning to vacation in an English-speaking country?
Learn the language used in typical vacation situations! The better you can use and understand the specific English and customs you will encounter, the more confident you will be. You will also likely have a more enriching experience on your vacation.
This 18-unit dynamic, intermediate-level course gives you the language and practice you need to feel more confident and enjoy your vacation even more!
Here are some of the units:
– Immigration
– Customs
– Airport Check-in, Security, Boarding
– In-flight air travel
– Renting a car
– Hotels
– Restaurants and fast food
– Shopping
– Sightseeing
– Entertainment
– Travel problems
You will use audio and video material that you can access 24/7 on our VLE, and will receive pdf files with exercises, role plays and articles that you can use in digital or printed form.
Activities include examples from authentic materials (TV, movies, internet).
All of this will help you improve your English and your confidence, but don’t wait until your vacation to start!
Happy Learning!